Бакхмуль - Афганская Аборигенная Борзая
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AFGHAN HOUNDS. The World of Dogs by Lynda Race. Russia. Contributed by Natalia Gherasiova, pp 81-83, 1999 , Kingdom books, pp 240, England.

Afghan history in Russia goes back to the 1960s when two were given to the Russian Premier, N Khruschev, by the King of Afghanistan. In the 1970s, several hounds were imported from the West and the East, thereby establishing two breed lines in the country. One line is founded on the Western type of 'civilised' Afghans (known in Russia as decorative - in other words, show dogs). The other line, Bakhmulls, (known in Russia as working/coursing Tazi), originates from the Royal kennel Karizamir in Afghanistan, from dogs brought back by Russian Army Officers before the 1978 coup d'etat.
Home kennels

The main public dog fanciers' associations since the 1970s have been: MGOLS, Fauna,
ARTA, Elita, Zoosphere, Zoopractica and Olf. The main kennels are; Havas Purab (Mrs Vetrova), Al Zsharbua (Muravieva), Kai (Kapralova), Prioritet (Mr Shipov), Grand (Kuksina), Gerat (Osipova), Carmln (Zshitkova), Iv Zaraut (Vodneva), Contempory (Dementieva), Nigri's (Grigorash). and Djan (formerly Zahab al Tadj) (Uvenalieva). For hunting dogs, the main ones are: Dynamo, Moscow and Military public associations and the kennel of Blue Dale el Bark (N. Gherasiova).

Foreign influence

The foundation stock of 'decorative' Afghans in the former USSR from 1970-1980 came from Australia, Finland, Great Britain, Germany, Czechoslovakia and Poland.


Russian dogs fall into three categories; guard/search, hunting and decorative (companions), although owners prefer to think that all three can be companions. The 'decorative' Western type Afghan is considered a 'newly-made breed' that has existed for no longer than 50 years and is still under development according to the tastes of breeders and fashion trends. The aboriginal Afghan Hound (Bakhmull) originated in Northern India but was later cultivated in Afghanistan, and it is an ancient breed that Russian breeders do their best not to alter in proportions, bone structure, temperament, coat and coursing instincts.
Western 'show' Afghans in Russia and the world over are very impressive and beautiful because of their long, abundant coats, graceful movements and various colour combinations. Yet most of Russian decorative Afghans, according to judges, are skinny, badly muscled, have fragile bone structure, a narrow shallow chest and bad nervous systems. The proportions of the body parts have substantially changed. Decorative Afghans have lost their hunting function and obtained a new one; to move gracefully in the show ring to please the'onlookers. An Afghan of today is a beauty created by a human, whereas the original Afghan Bakhmull is a beauty created by natural evolution. Russian breeders try their best to improve the exterior of Afghans.
The oriental type of hound Bakhmull is harmonically built, has a natural (not trimmed) saddle, broad and deep chest, always broad back, high withers and pretty abundant but not so long, silky coat. The front of the fore and hind feet (pasterns and ankles) must be short coated as well as the muzzle and the saddle. The loin and first thigh must be long for speedier galloping. They also have substantial flesh, well developed muscles, firm bone structure and good nerves. They are always of light colours - fawn or white, never black or brindle.
The distinctions between the types of Afghans were officially fixed in the 1980s when decorative Afghans failed the field tests. They refused to chase game (a hare in the field) and the owners were asked to quit from hunting clubs and join 'decorative' clubs instead. In 1985, the National Standard for the aboriginal Afghan Hound (a hunting dog), was officially developed. The model for this Standard was Ch Rad-o-Bark (son of the original King of Karizamir, imported from Afghanistan in 1974). For the Western 'decorative' type, the English Standard was applied and later the FCI Standard. The two types of hounds were thereafter shown in different rings.

Aboriginal Afghan Hounds 'Bakhmulls' Ch Rad-o-Bark
and his son Ch & Champion of Breed David el Bark (standing) with their quarry, caught by her dogs wild hare and the owner Natalia Gherasiova.


According to old Russian traditions, every Afghan is predestined to work in field, their working characteristics being checked by field experts and evaluated. They are awarded field diplomas on a wild hare or fox which are graded 111, 11 and 1, experts being convinced that the exterior of a hound is connected with its working characteristics and cannot be separated.

Show scene

Top winning decorative Afghans are Nechaeva's San Darii (dog) and Solovieva's Ch Samanta Gerat (bitch). Top winning aboriginal Afghan Hound Bakhmull is Ch Rad-o-Bark (two field diplomas 11 Igr), his son Ch David el Bark (two field diplomas 111,11 gr), owned by Natalia Gherasiova, Nironova's Ch Guldara el Bark (bitch), Fausek's Gardes el Bark (bitch) and Privalovskii's Virsavia el Bark (bitch).

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